

The success of BVS in managing safety is a reflection of a 9-point safety philosophy. While each BVS employee is responsible for their own safety efforts, they are all joined in basing those programs and systems on a common safety philosophy. We share them with you in hopes that they will help shape your safety initiative into an even more successful one.

  • WE believe safety is job one.
  • WE believe in not always knowing the answer but knowing who does.
  • WE believe in asking well thought-out questions regarding safety.
  • WE believe in Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) because protecting yourself is job one.
  • WE believe in safety planning to avoid accidents.
  • WE believe in gathering information, identifying alternatives and weighing the evidence before deciding on safety alternatives.
  • WE believe safety is everyone’s responsibility not just an individual.
  • WE believe in teamwork and cooperation, which equates to a safe working environment.
  • Safety is no accident

Your buildings support your operations and help deliver your annual business plan. Reliability and efficiencies of your critical building systems can dramatically impact your business continuity Intelligent, trained, and motivated employees are any company's greatest resource. Our success in safety depends upon the men and women in our company.

They contribute to the overall success of BVS by following procedures, participating actively in training, and identifying and alerting each other and management to potential hazards. By demonstrating a real concern for each employee, leadership helps establish a mutual respect and the foundation is laid for a solid safety effort.

Knowledge of these 9 principles is necessary to the development of a safety system that works. Regardless of what your safety management philosophy is, employees' knowledge and understanding of it are as important as any other part of the program.